Erratic Behaviour of Syncing

  • Ensure the company to be synced is loaded in Tally in the system where the desktop application is Installed.

  • Ensure the company to be synced is opened in the first window of Tally which was opened, i.e in the Tally window where ODBC server is enabled. Otherwise, the syncing wouldn’t happen.

(NOTE: This is the limitation of tally application, not the app.)

  • Ensure you have the latest version of Desktop Application. If unsure, click here (hyperlink to Desktop Application) to download the latest desktop application.

(Note: We keep releasing a new version of desktop application which might cause this)

  • If you are downloading the desktop app again, Download this in the system where the desktop application was installed previously.

Still not satisfied? Contact us at OR

NOTE: Mention your Username, Phone number, and organization with the relevant query ( E.g.I need help with Subsequent Tally Syncing. I am on a Single/Multi User License. I am seeing erratic behavior of syncing.)

Last updated